Sunday, December 2, 2012

Final Facebook Presentation

Facebook Metrics:
      The Facebook page I worked on this semester had been dormant for almost an entire year prior to me working on it.   It was time for Dayspring Montessori Education Center to come back into the world with great social media backing it up!  I just didn’t realize how hard it was to go through finding tactics to make the business grow and produce more profit.  Using Social Media is a great way to expand relationships with existing clients, and to acquire completely new ones.  It also helps business in related industries work more closely together, and essentially share their client lists.  At first, I had to decide who the target audience was and my communication objectives. My target audience was the existing families that attend Dayspring.  My task was to keep these families informed to make sure that they had more resources on finding out what was going on with the school. Another goal was to make sure that there was information out there compelling and interesting in order to attract new families to learn about Dayspring Montessori.  I was targeting families with children – and since this is a private school that costs $500 a month per child, I was targeting higher income bracket homes.  I also targeted grandparents who wanted the best education for their grandkids, and who belief in an open learning environment.  Lastly, I sought out families whose children learned differently than others or who were bored in their current schools.   Below there is a graph that sadly shows that there was a low percent of people “talking” about the page, but the outreach was higher.

There was a great increase in the amount of likes that were made to the page.  There were a lot more when I first started working with their page because it wasn’t being used for so long those new comments, feeds, and outreach sparked people’s interest. The page started at 20 Likes and ended up with 79. Fifty Nine Total Likes is the total amount that was gathered over the semester. The main demographics where the likes came from were located in St. George Utah. There were more women that liked the page compared to men.

Feedback from client:
This Facebook page was for a client and he (the Principle) was impressed with the increased interactivity by the existing family’s that attended Dayspring Montessori. He did say that a handful of new family’s found about Dayspring Montessori through Facebook and one brought their child in for a tour and signed up. That is $6,000 in annual revenue. He was impressed with the way Dayspring Montessori Facebook help strengthened their business partnerships. Brain Balance and The Veterans Day Parade Group, two of Montessori’s Partner, used Facebook as a source to share photos from events that were taken. The one thing we both agreed on was that I could have posted more often, or thought of new marketing content for the page.


Personal Analysis:
When analyzing myself I thought that I could have found more compelling content, such as doing a promotion to get more users interacting on the page. Using the holidays to interact with my messages about the school seemed to have an impact on the viewers, especially events that correlated with that holiday. I needed to post more frequently, and should of pushed more for more posts among the friends on the page. This was a challenging project learning how to get more people to visit a Facebook page and Business Website, and finding out what compels an audience.  I thought that this was great start for Dayspring Montessori’s New Social Media use and I learned just need to keep trying new ideas and see which one works out best for the company.

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