Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Contextual Impact of Social Media:

The contextual Impact of Social Media:

A woman News/Journalism Anchor named Jennifer Livingston on the WKBT News 8 on October 2nd 2012 puts a mean viewer in their rightful place.  This news station is out of Wisconsin. Mike Thompson, Jennifer Livingston’s husband, and a new anchor himself, posted what happened on Facebook. After his post, thousands of people gave supportive comments and responses.  After numerous people were posting and speaking about what happened to Jennifer, she decided to tell the public about the issue over the air.  She went on National News and told her story.  Nationwide, people were shocked about this horrible message that was sent to her. Jennifer was amazed by how much support she really had from her viewers and people all over the America.

Message from Jennifer’s Bully:

Physical context:

The first context in this example would be Physical, which is where the media took place. After this horrible verbal attack on Jennifer Livingston, her husband made a Facebook page to show the public the mean comment and the despicable, threatening, terrible situation Jennifer dealing with.  Facebook played a huge role in how the news got out to everybody. After so many supportive comments from individuals on Facebook, Jennifer decided to tell the nation on air.  She felt that what happened to her needed to be told to the public.  She wanted to expose her tormentors and she didn’t want people to feel like something like this was okay to do, thus emboldening the public to deal with this type of new age threat.

Cultural Context/ “Citizen Journalism”

From a Cultural Context the United States is lucky to have such a great access to the media and having it incorporated into American’s everyday lives.  This small comment didn’t get ignored, it was dealt with, the news station took it seriously, and made sure through exposure cyber bullies can’t get away with this kind of behavior. It’s truly amazing that help of this kind can happen from a social media standpoint because it helps the unspoken to speak up and not be afraid of people who are degrading and mean.  Our culture is very lucky to have freedom of speech and to protest and inform others about what is really going on in society. Social media has evolved into a “citizen journalism” style of information. In this example, one person started a Facebook page and it exploded in a single day!  Jennifer’s case wasn’t just on TV. It was first on the Internet, and then aired on National News. The simple fact is that anyone can share an event that has happened to them and there are morally sound people out there who are willing to support other people’s voices and stories. Social media is evolving on a whole different level.  So much so that people cannot be afraid of something or somebody because there is high possibility that there is going to be support for that person’s specific story.

Social Context:

The contexts Social and Temporal do play an impact when analyzing this social media example.  When referring to this example on a social context the roles and rules of Jennifer (the news Anchor) and the viewer's response are abnormal in this type of situation. Most the time the viewers watch what they like, not criticize about someone personally and about their appearances. The anchor has responsibilities as her role to not let harsh comments get to her. The problem is that roles can be switched around when treating one another a certain way. For example, in a classroom the teacher has his/her role, and the students have their role, but if a student decides not to care about the teacher and drop their role is then changed.  Rules change within a giving situation. There are regulations to be followed throughout someone’s entire life, and how people use these rules can affect outcomes dramatically.
Temporal context:

Temporal context in this attack occurred when the viewers responded to Facebook, and then the transition to live air happened in a blink of an eye.  This communication was fast and was put out in public as soon as the news station received it. This means that if a person thinks a certain subject is important enough than they are just going to worry about getting the facts out fast and accurately; even if their preference is to spread this information at a certain time of day it wouldn’t matter if it was a huge event, depending on the person. 


This social media example shows credibility because it gave proof in what the viewer said harshly to Jennifer Livingston and was posted all over the internet. Information is posted to the Internet all over the world every second, but that doesn’t mean it is true.  However, when there is support with evidence, and a viral Facebook story, across the nation it makes it easier for someone to believe the issue that had occurred.

How can we make the best use of Social Media & my own personal opinion?

Jennifer Livingston was just trying to do her job and a viewer responds with something so critical and hurtful that doesn’t even correlate to her job.  That simply isn’t necessary.  There are many people in this world who are troubled, mean, and rude, social media is a new great way in to expose their hurtful and hateful ways.  Jennifer Livingston is just one of many that get bullied everyday about their looks. Society tells us that we have to look like this perfect model, which isn’t possible because everyone is unique in their own special way. Jennifer even stated on air that October is Anti Bully Month, and that this is an example that we all can learn from.  I am glad she stuck up for herself. There are people in this world who are too scared to stand up for what is right and this was a great example of how social media can help support victims of bullying and to let them know that they are not alone. Thanks to social media it is easier to find organizations that are willing to work with you and to help make you feel like you’re not alone. People can make the best out of social media by taking advantage of it. Although social media such as Twitter and Facebook can be used for support and helpful knowledge, it also can be used in a hurtful way, such as cyber bullying, so making sure to be safe about who you affiliate with is an important key to having an equal and safe experience on the web today.

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